Buntie S

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Name: Buntie S
Residence country:   Canada
Dog prefix:
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Gender: Female
Date of birth:
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Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.078125
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John Stone   Rolling Stone  
Rolling Stone
Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)  
Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)   
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Lady Capena  
Maple Queen (scot-can)   Hasdrubal  
Fancy Fanny  
Croydon Belle   Knight (usa-can)   Lord Angus Vinemount (uk-usa)  
Lord Angus Vinemount (uk-usa)
Miss Shoe Town Pride  
Lady Bell (can Bickle)   Excelsior (uk-can)  
Excelsior (uk-can)
Lady Smith (can Bickle)  
Petrolia Bell   Woodcote Merry Boy (uk-can)   Woodcote Diplomacy   Woodcote Galtee More  
Woodcote Galtee More
Miss Chinosol  
Nelly Neil   Master Merlin  
Flora Venn  
Twiggie Wig   Rolling Stone  
Rolling Stone
Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)  
Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)
Maple Queen (scot-can)  
Miss Shoe Town Pride   Shoe Town Pride (uk-usa)  
Braemar Beatrice (uk-usa)  
Visits: 590