Conshohocken Bob

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Name: Conshohocken Bob
Residence country:   USA
Dog prefix: Frank Sutcliffe
Owner prefix: Frank Sutcliffe
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 9 June 1924
Owner email:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0
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Ivan Teg   Fernstone Marquis   Orrell White Duke   Orrell White Marquis (uk-usa)  
Balmoral Princess  
Fernstone Theda Bara   Dreamwold Dreadnaught (uk-usa)  
Lady Jane Cerberus  
Fernstone Bess   Centimanes (uk-usa)   Centaur Dreamwold (uk-usa)  
Centaur Dreamwold (uk-usa)
Gentle Ida  
Cinnamon I I   Mahomet I I I  
Lady Bully (usa)  
Lady Betty (can-usa 1921)   Coster Diamond (can-usa)  
Coster Diamond (can-usa)
Worsley Costermonder (uk-can)  
Worsley Costermonder (uk-can)
Ch Coadjutor   
Cecilia (uk)  
The Little Diamond  
The Little Diamond
Woodcote Merry Boy (uk-can)  
Lady May (can 23588)   Toronto Lad (uk-can)  
Toronto Lad (uk-can)
Master Penfold (uk-can)  
Master Penfold (uk-can)
Diadem Penfold  
Eileen Allanna   King Jack (can-usa)  
Blue Smoke  
Visits: 1