Ilussion White Bright Diamond  Ilussion White Bright Diamond
Ilussion White Bright Diamond
Bagibeli Ace Of Spades  Bagibeli Ace Of Spades
Ch Bagibeli Billy Ray Jw  Ch Bagibeli Billy Ray Jw  |
Milasha Preacher Man Mystyle  Milasha Preacher Man Mystyle  |
Unijax Clobert Gir's With Bagibeli  |
Bagibeli Babyshambles  |
Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Meljane Bulldogs King William  Ch, Jr Ch, BOY Meljane Bulldogs King William  |
Bagibeli Babycham  Bagibeli Babycham  |
Jr Ch Quinetta Kvitko Z Certova  Jr Ch Quinetta Kvitko Z Certova
Jr Ch Style Bullet Izak  Jr Ch Style Bullet Izak  |
Sealaville Hes Aston  Sealaville Hes Aston  |
CH BG Style Bullet Pretty Woman  CH BG Style Bullet Pretty Woman  |
Lorien Kvítko Z Certova  Lorien Kvítko Z Certova  |
Jr Ch Ultimate Mike Bajoka  Jr Ch Ultimate Mike Bajoka  |
Xanta Kvítko Z Certova  Xanta Kvítko Z Certova  |
Jr Ch Feebee Bright Diamond  Jr Ch Feebee Bright Diamond
Feebee Bright Diamond
Tony Brus Bulls Perseo At Bright Diamond Team  Tony Brus Bulls Perseo At Bright Diamond Team
Matrix Tony Brus Bulls  Matrix Tony Brus Bulls  |
Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Garcel Bull Amaretto At Tony Bruss Bulls  Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Garcel Bull Amaretto At Tony Bruss Bulls  |
Rafaellos Asiri  |
Olivia De Echo En Peru  |
Ch, Jr Ch Perfect Scream Dante  Ch, Jr Ch Perfect Scream Dante  |
Kina De Echo En Peru  |
Jr Ch Aidabullyz She´s Rihanna  Jr Ch Aidabullyz She´s Rihanna
Galaxy Von Teufelhohle  Galaxy Von Teufelhohle  |
Ch, Multi Ch Sealaville Hes Tyler  Ch, Multi Ch Sealaville Hes Tyler  |
Toffifee Von Teufelhohle  Toffifee Von Teufelhohle  |
Beckybull She Nyla Aidabullyz  |
Ch, Multi Ch Sealaville Hes Tyler  Ch, Multi Ch Sealaville Hes Tyler  |
Salkysbully's Veronica At Aidabullyz  |