Ch Diggin's Sharp Shooter  Ch Diggin's Sharp Shooter
Diggin's Sharp Shooter
Sureshot Six Shooter  Sureshot Six Shooter
Ch Hurricane Thank Our Lucky Stars  Ch Hurricane Thank Our Lucky Stars  |
Ch Highwinds Little Brown Jug  Ch Highwinds Little Brown Jug  |
Hurricane Bulldacious Barbie  Hurricane Bulldacious Barbie  |
Ch Sureshot One Trick Pony's Double  Ch Sureshot One Trick Pony's Double  |
Ch Beauties Amos  Ch Beauties Amos  |
Ch, GCh Sureshot One Trick Pony  Ch, GCh Sureshot One Trick Pony  |
Diggin's When I Look At You  Diggin's When I Look At You
Ch, GCh Sureshot Diggin It Down By The River  Ch, GCh Sureshot Diggin It Down By The River  |
Ch Beauties Amos  Ch Beauties Amos  |
Ch, GCh Sureshot One Trick Pony  Ch, GCh Sureshot One Trick Pony  |
Ch, GCh Diggin's Red Skye Delight  Ch, GCh Diggin's Red Skye Delight  |
Ch Jc's Calees The Sky Is The Limit  Ch Jc's Calees The Sky Is The Limit  |
Castlewood Randi's Red Bella  Castlewood Randi's Red Bella  |
Rocky Mountains Diggin The Double Down
Peres In The Game
Peres Livin' On The Edge  Peres Livin' On The Edge  |
Ch Banta's Royal Creed At Peres  Ch Banta's Royal Creed At Peres  |
Ch Peres Strawberry Fields  Ch Peres Strawberry Fields  |
Peres All The Glitz N' Glam  |
The Devil Looks Like Rocco  The Devil Looks Like Rocco  |
Fortune City Summer Light  Fortune City Summer Light  |
Ch Rocky Mountains The Crow Flies Straight  Ch Rocky Mountains The Crow Flies Straight
Peres That's All Folks  Peres That's All Folks  |
Peres King Of Diamonds  Peres King Of Diamonds  |
Peres Smashing Sensation  Peres Smashing Sensation  |
Rocky Mountains White Demon Love Song  Rocky Mountains White Demon Love Song  |
Ch, GCh River City's Poetic Justice  Ch, GCh River City's Poetic Justice  |
Magic Valleys Living On A Prayer  |
Visites: 614