Gainsborough Betty

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Nom: Gainsborough Betty
Pays:   USA
Affixe du chien: Mrs. M. Cromie
Affixe du propriètaire: Mr. And Mrs. L. B. Cromie
Sexe: Femelle
Date de naissance: 12 December 1923
E-mail du propriètaire:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0
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Manosa Fury  
Manosa Fury
Manosa Fury
Midwick Lad   Kokomo White Sam  
Kokomo White Sam
Ch Failsworth White Knight (uk-usa)   
Ch Failsworth White Knight (uk-usa)
White Rock Queen (uk-usa)  
Candover Lass Of Anoakia (uk-usa)   Irish Peacemaker  
Candover Lady (uk-usa)  
Ch Petrovia    Fern Lea Marquis (uk-usa)   Fern Lea Doctor (uk-usa)  
Fern Lea Beauty  
Lady Jaschka   not available
not available
Gainsborough Beauty (uk-usa)   Thurston Bill   Ch Thornlea Knut   
Ch Thornlea Knut
Ch Failsworth White King   
Thornlea Princess  
Thurston Beauty   Kruger (uk)  
Chindwin Beauty  
Air Force   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Visites: 93