Ch, Int Ch Bulldacious Fast N Furious Ch, Int Ch Bulldacious Fast N Furious
Bulldacious Fast N Furious
Ch Brixalot Rascal's Law And Order Ch Brixalot Rascal's Law And Order
Ch Little Ponds Last Stand Ch Little Ponds Last Stand |
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy |
Ch Helfyre's Little Ponds Promise Ch Helfyre's Little Ponds Promise |
Ch Rascal Cali´s Brixalot Izn´t She Lovely |
Ch Keasance Double Bogey |
Ch Cali's Diamond Slipper |
Ch Pelee's Miss Be'havin Ch Pelee's Miss Be'havin
Ch Pelee's King Pablo Ch Pelee's King Pablo |
Ch Edward's O'scully O'boo Ch Edward's O'scully O'boo |
Ch Joylee's Lola Ch Joylee's Lola |
Belrox's Sugar Charmaine |
Castlecourt's Lord Barnaby |
Belrox's Miss Sugar Pie |
Ultimate Luna
Ch Ultimate Avenger Ch Ultimate Avenger
Ch Ultimate Sebastian Ch Ultimate Sebastian |
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock |
Ultimate Penelope |
Ch, GCh Ultimate Savannah Ch, GCh Ultimate Savannah |
Ch, GCh Millcoats Bach Ch, GCh Millcoats Bach |
Ultimate Gabby |
Ultimate Sophia
Ch, GCh Ultimate Caleb Ch, GCh Ultimate Caleb |
Ch, GCh Millcoats Bach Ch, GCh Millcoats Bach |
Ultimate Sophie |
Ultimate Lilly |
Ch Ourgang's Out On Parole Ch Ourgang's Out On Parole |
Ultimate Bella Of The Ball |
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