Ch Pelee's Sugar On Snow

Pelee's Sugar On Snow
Nom: Pelee's Sugar On Snow
Pays:   Canada
Affixe du chien: Pelee Bulldogs
Affixe du propriètaire: Pelee Bulldogs
Sexe: Femelle
Date de naissance: 22/12/2010
Titres: Ch
E-mail du propriètaire:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.09375
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Bulldogpedigree Rosettes

  • Champion medal
  • Gold Pedigree Rosette. 23 champions dans son pédigrée (4 générations)
  • Bronze Brood Bitch Rosette. 1 enfants champions. Voir

Pages générales

Pages d'analyses de pedigree

Ch, Int Ch, GCh Bulldacious Sharp Shooter   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Bulldacious Sharp Shooter
Bulldacious Sharp Shooter
Ch Hurricane De La Hoya   
Ch Hurricane De La Hoya
Ch Hurricane In The Nic Of Time   
Ch Hurricane In The Nic Of Time
Ch Edward's Ace In The Hole   
Ch Edward's Ace In The Hole
Ch Hurricane Irish Eyes   
Ch Hurricane Irish Eyes
Hurricane Peanut Brindle  
Hurricane Peanut Brindle
Ch Beauties Amos   
Ch Beauties Amos
Ch Edward's Elegant Rose   
Ch Edward's Elegant Rose
Ch Pelee's Miss Be'havin   
Ch Pelee's Miss Be'havin
Ch Pelee's King Pablo   
Ch Pelee's King Pablo
Ch Edward's O'scully O'boo   
Ch Edward's O'scully O'boo
Ch Joylee's Lola   
Ch Joylee's Lola
Belrox's Sugar Charmaine   Castlecourt's Lord Barnaby  
Belrox's Miss Sugar Pie  
Ch Pelee's Pick Of The Patch   
Ch Pelee's Pick Of The Patch
Pelee's Pick Of The Patch
Ch Pelee's King Pablo   
Ch Pelee's King Pablo
Ch Edward's O'scully O'boo   
Ch Edward's O'scully O'boo
Edward's Chunk Of Nugget  
Edward's Amaryllis  
Ch Joylee's Lola   
Ch Joylee's Lola
Ch Gemstone's Rebel Rouser   
Joylee's Millificent  
Ch Chadklier's Lady Just In Tyme    Ch Hurricane In The Nic Of Time   
Ch Hurricane In The Nic Of Time
Ch Edward's Ace In The Hole   
Ch Edward's Ace In The Hole
Ch Hurricane Irish Eyes   
Ch Hurricane Irish Eyes
Ch Chadklier's White Lace    Ch Bo's Southern Gentleman   
Ch Chadklier's Daphne   
Visites: 1213