Jr Ch Slawek Pasibrzuch Niesforna Gromadka
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Rinaldo Marcus Apolinar Dla Niesfornej Gromadki Dyskretny Urok Burzuazji  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Rinaldo Marcus Apolinar Dla Niesfornej Gromadki Dyskretny Urok Burzuazji
Ch Angelo Orestes  Ch Angelo Orestes  |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch The Undertaker For Simplydoor  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch The Undertaker For Simplydoor  |
Mad House Georgina  |
Norma Dyskretny Urok Burzuazji  Norma Dyskretny Urok Burzuazji  |
Ch Hobtop Hi - Hopes At Merriveen  Ch Hobtop Hi - Hopes At Merriveen  |
Ch, Jr Ch Groz Kriger Only  Ch, Jr Ch Groz Kriger Only  |
Psotna Pychotka Niesforna Gromadka
Ch Cent Perla Wronczyna  |
Ch Rinus From The Raising Bulldog  Ch Rinus From The Raising Bulldog  |
Elis Zeleny Smaragd  Elis Zeleny Smaragd  |
Ch, Jr Ch Mala Laska Niesforna Gromadka  Ch, Jr Ch Mala Laska Niesforna Gromadka  |
Ch, Jr Ch Golddigger Kinibox  Ch, Jr Ch Golddigger Kinibox  |
Ch Funny Lady Kinibox  Ch Funny Lady Kinibox  |
Rica Reynosa Griin Grey
Ch Empires Sir Yogi  Ch Empires Sir Yogi
Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus  Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse  Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse  |
Ch Mousers Delilah Of Empire  Ch Mousers Delilah Of Empire  |
Ch, GCh Empires Empress Amber Of Mouser  Ch, GCh Empires Empress Amber Of Mouser  |
Ch Mousers Apollo Louie  Ch Mousers Apollo Louie  |
Mousers Heather  |
Ultimate Fate  Ultimate Fate
Ch Cherokee Ultimate Plato  Ch Cherokee Ultimate Plato  |
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  |
Ch Cherokee Cybil Of Royal Court  Ch Cherokee Cybil Of Royal Court  |
Ch, GCh Ultimate Savannah  Ch, GCh Ultimate Savannah  |
Ch, GCh Millcoats Bach  Ch, GCh Millcoats Bach  |
Ultimate Gabby  |
Visites: 1418