Vance Toots I I

Immagine non disponibile

Nome: Vance Toots I I
Paese di residenza:   USA
Affisso del cane: Ana R. Vance
Affisso del proprietario: Ana R. Vance
Sesso: Femmina
Data di nascita: 27 January 1923
E-mail del proprietario:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0
Please consider to donate
to bulldogpedigree

Strumenti generali

Strumenti di analisi del pedigree

Purple Flashes  
Purple Flashes
Purple Flashes
Heywood Marco (uk-can)  
Heywood Marco (uk-can)
Heywood Marquis   Lord Roundcroft  
Ch Heywood Duchess   
Ch Heywood Duchess
Molly Mc Nally   Carslake Rex  
Carslake Rex
Hawcoat Judy  
Ch Petrovia    Fern Lea Marquis (uk-usa)   Fern Lea Doctor (uk-usa)  
Fern Lea Beauty  
Lady Jaschka   not available
not available
Vance Toots   not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Visits: 22