Micheal Mc Micheal

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Nome: Micheal Mc Micheal
Pais:   USA
Afixo criador: J. R. Mayo
Afixo proprietario: R. J. Ranck
Sexo: Macho
Data de Nascimento: 12 December 1921
Email do proprietario:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0
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to bulldogpedigree

Herramientas generales

Herramientas de análisis del pedigree

Cyrus Perkings   Jack London I I   Marvel London (uk-usa)  
Marvel London (uk-usa)
Old Catton Diamond  
Deodora Diadem  
Godlub Darkie   Moston Squire (uk-usa)  
Alimar Bess  
Mayos Babby I I (usa)   Gentleman Tom   Melbourne Chief  
Miladi Nell  
Lady Bazzaza   St Vincent (uk-usa)  
St Vincent (uk-usa)
Maizie Penfold (uk-usa)  
Mayos Special   not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Visits: 93