Little Cat

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Nome: Little Cat
Pais:   United Kingdom
Afixo criador:
Afixo proprietario: A. Peck
Sexo: Femea
Data de Nascimento:
Email do proprietario:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.015625
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Bulldogpedigree Rosettes

  • Bronze Brood Bitch Rosette. 1 Campeão na descendência. Show

Herramientas generales

Herramientas de análisis del pedigree

Linebreeding in first 6 generations
5 - 5,6,6 ......... Gamester  
6 - 6,6 ......... Rose ( Berrie)  
6,6 - 6,6 ......... Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's
5 - 5 ......... Reeves Crib  
Reeves Crib
6 - 6 ......... Reeves Mab  
6 - 6 ......... Tiger ( Young Tiger)  
3 - 4 ......... Don Pedro  
Don Pedro
6,4 - 5 ......... Hebe (1878)  
5 - 6 ......... Chloe (1875)  
5 - 6 ......... Punch (1871)  
6,4 - 5 ......... Sahib  
5 - 6 ......... Juno (1875)  
5 - 6 ......... Sepoy  
5 - 5 ......... British Monarch  
British Monarch
6 - 6 ......... Venice  
6 - 6,5 ......... Monarch (1878)  
5,6 - ......... Kit ( Rodger's)  
6,6,6 - ......... Bully (2)  
6,6 - ......... Bowler  

a,b-c,d: values before "-" are linebreeding in father's branch, values after in mother's branch.
2,3-5,6 ....... NAME
Dog "NAME" is once in 2nd generation in father's branch, once in 3th generation in father's branch, once in 5th generation in mothers's branch and once in 6th generation in mothers's branch

4,4-5,6 ....... NAME
Dog "NAME" is twice in 2th generation in father's branch, once in 5th generation in mothers's branch and once in 6th generation in mothers's branch

Cat's Eye   Ch His Lordship   
Ch His Lordship
Don Pedro  
Don Pedro
Hebe (1878)  
CH Ruling Passion   
CH Ruling Passion
Grabber (uk-usa John Bull)  
Grabber (uk-usa John Bull)
Susan ( Tom Ball)  
Puss   Bill (1888)   Diomed (1882)  
Ladybird (1886)  
Madge (1888)   Reeves Monarch  
Pussy Cat   Old Boots   Tommy Truckle   Monarch I I I  
Monarch I I I
Smut (1884)  
Alice ( Crowther)   Coco  
Lady Dunster (uk-usa)   Don Salano  
Don Salano
Don Pedro  
Don Pedro
Lady Disdain (1883)  
Lady Disdain (1883)
Polly Peachem   Stripes  
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