Heywood White Marquis

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Nome: Heywood White Marquis
Pais:   United Kingdom
Afixo criador:
Afixo proprietario:
Sexo: Macho
Data de Nascimento:
Email do proprietario:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0
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Herramientas generales

Herramientas de análisis del pedigree

Heywood Marco (uk-can)   Heywood Marquis   Lord Roundcroft   Crumpsall Banker (uk-usa)  
Lady Albertstone  
Ch Heywood Duchess   
Ch Heywood Duchess
Carthusian Cerberus  
Carthusian Cerberus
Heywood Queen  
Molly Mc Nally   Carslake Rex  
Carslake Rex
Heywood Marquis  
Carslake Winnie  
Hawcoat Judy   Adoration  
Hatherley White Queen   not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Visits: 5154