Talloak's Miss Hale

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Nome: Talloak's Miss Hale
Pais:   USA
Afixo criador: Talloak S
Afixo proprietario:
Sexo: Femea
Data de Nascimento:
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Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0
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Bulldogpedigree Rosettes

  • Bronze Pedigree Rosette. 6 Campeões no Pedigree ( Nas 4 Primeiras gerações)
  • Bronze Brood Bitch Rosette. 1 Campeão na descendência. Show

Herramientas generales

Herramientas de análisis del pedigree

Jc's Incredible Hulk  
Jc's Incredible Hulk
Jc's Incredible Hulk
Ch Jc's Jon-boy Collins   
Ch Jc's Jon-boy Collins
Am CH Charvel´s Red Butch    Am CH Charvel´s Smokey Joe   
Charvel´s Judy  
Frosty's Bethsheeba   Scheel´s Big Ben  
Scheel´s Westminster Abbey  
Jc's Pretty Kan-dee Girl   Jc's Canterbury Kan-dee Man Kan   Averills Frosty Cowboy  
Am CH Stu-pought   
Dearmore´s Sarah Beth   Sir Brutus Of Hearnaught  
Lady Portia Of Hearnaught  
Lady Shelly Kay   Jc's Bonnie Beau James   Ch Averill Boatswain Sir Cyril    Ch Rawburn Avalanche   
Averill Boatswain Athena  
Jc's Rocky Of Ramblewild   Jc's Colorado Red Rocks  
Jc's Colorado Red Rocks
Judys Sir Axle Foley Of Jc S  
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Visits: 8329