Ch Groz Kriger Hadrian Made For Jubilee  Ch Groz Kriger Hadrian Made For Jubilee
Groz Kriger Hadrian Made For Jubilee
Ch, Int Ch Wencar Golden Chance  Ch, Int Ch Wencar Golden Chance
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar  Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar  |
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove  Ch Kelloe Kid Glove  |
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence  Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence  |
Edgewick Little Tina Of Wencar  Edgewick Little Tina Of Wencar  |
Toby Of Jackath  |
Edgewick Snow Lady  |
INT.CH, OCH, HJCH, HCH, HGCH Groz Kriger Wiktoria  INT.CH, OCH, HJCH, HCH, HGCH Groz Kriger Wiktoria
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Groz Kriger Oliver  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Groz Kriger Oliver  |
Rebus Jubille  |
Romakome Idol Ida  |
Black Bulls Of Brittain Aphrodite  |
Singidunum Ginger Boy  Singidunum Ginger Boy  |
Cilka Z Limbaskej Koliby  |
Sinjeri's Dulcinea Seraphina
Ch, Int Ch Goldengrove Iron Knob  Ch, Int Ch Goldengrove Iron Knob
Goldengrove Cartwright  Goldengrove Cartwright  |
Ch, Int Ch Goodbody Blue Bayou  Ch, Int Ch Goodbody Blue Bayou  |
Goodbody Arielle  |
Goldengrove Albany  |
Ch, Int Ch Goodbody Alistair  Ch, Int Ch Goodbody Alistair  |
Number One Vom Tscholetnacker  |
Sinjeri's Shell Shilla  Sinjeri's Shell Shilla
Int Ch Alf Jubilee  Int Ch Alf Jubilee  |
Int Ch Pityme Admiral Nelson  Int Ch Pityme Admiral Nelson  |
Floria Fri Bla  |
Ch Eddyta Polly Anna Buldina  Ch Eddyta Polly Anna Buldina  |
Ch Midwey Jubilee  |
Monique White Angel  |
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