Shoe Town Togo

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Name: Shoe Town Togo
Residence country:   USA
Dog prefix: R. Lobban
Owner prefix: Adolph Rother
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 16 June 1905
Owner email:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0078125
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to bulldogpedigree

Additional information

brindle, white markings

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Pedigree analysis tools

Shoe Town Pride (uk-usa)   Jabberation   Bapton Monarch   Avenger  
Sheffield Nell  
Doctor Janet   Ivel Doctor (uk-usa)  
Ivel Doctor (uk-usa)
Rebecca Roe  
Lady Delapre   Baratanga   Boomerang (uk-usa)  
Boomerang (uk-usa)
Rita (1895)  
Lady Yarmouth (uk)   Lord Yarmouth (uk-usa)  
Rufina I I  
Braemar Beatrice (uk-usa)   Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)  
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Boomerang (uk-usa)  
Boomerang (uk-usa)
First Attempt  
Dame Fortune (uk)   Preston Lion  
Lancshire Lass  
Kharkie   Woodcote Jumbo (uk-usa)   Don Cervantes  
Don Cervantes
Norwood Biddy  
Doddles   Ch Bargee   
Ch Bargee
Ch Acco   
Visits: 1078