Goggles Girl

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Name: Goggles Girl
Residence country:   USA
Dog prefix: W. T. Drew
Owner prefix: W. A. Hawley
Gender: Female
Date of birth: 12 April 1917
Owner email:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0
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Drewstone Goggles   Wroxham Silent Marquis (uk-usa)   Wroxham Silent Prince  
Wroxham Silent Prince
Hazelmere Prince  
Ch Silent Duchess   
Ch Silent Duchess
Wroxham Kitty   Heywood Marquis  
Toll Bar Molly (uk-usa)   Bridgewood Major   Lord Pike (uk)  
St Domingo Duchess  
Bridgewood Girl   Mersey Skipper  
Ashland Sally   Sociable Ben (uk-usa)   Rival Stone  
Rival Stone
British Stone  
British Stone
Banzai Stone  
Miss Sociable   Duke Of Cornwall  
Lady Sociable  
Ashland Red   Mahomet Son   Ch Mahomet (uk-usa)   
Ch Mahomet (uk-usa)
Queensborough Bess  
Princess Merlin   Ch Woodcote Hermit (uk-usa)   
Nellie Stone  
Visits: 153