
Picture not available

Name: Zenxbao
Residence country:   Not available
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Gender: Male
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Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0078125
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Bulldogpedigree Rosettes

  • Silver Pedigree Rosette. 14 champions in pedigree (first 4 generations)

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Rakaros Gotcha Covered  
Rakaros Gotcha Covered
Rakaros Gotcha Covered
Ch Beefeaters Prime Alchemist   
Ch Beefeaters Prime Alchemist
Beefeaters Mucho Macho  
Beefeaters Mucho Macho
Magic Valleys James  
Beefeaters Jelly Belly Bean  
Beefeaters Jelly Belly Bean
Beefeaters Katie Koo  
Beefeaters Katie Koo
Ch Beefeaters Muscle Man Of Imok   
Ch Beefeaters Muscle Man Of Imok
Likkel's Razzel Dazzel  
Likkel's Razzel Dazzel
Ch Hpnotiq's Rakaro Grace'n Grit   
Ch Hpnotiq's Rakaro Grace'n Grit
Ch Hpnotiq's Moving The Earth   
Ch Hpnotiq's Moving The Earth
Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Font A Noses When Doves Cry   
Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Font A Noses When Doves Cry
Ch Symarun's Cinder Ella Cgn   
GCh Fj Lola ( Jimenez)   
GCh Fj Lola ( Jimenez)
Berbull House Club Danthe  
Berbull House Club Danthe
La Vid Martina ( Gomez)  
La Vid Martina ( Gomez)
Rakaro Zenobia  
Rakaro Zenobia
Rakaro Zenobia
Ch Pleaseabulls Head Of The Troop   
Ch Pleaseabulls Head Of The Troop
Beefeaters Sarge This Is The Way I Roll   Ch Beefeaters Macduff   
Ch Beefeaters Macduff
Beefeaters Gucci  
Beefeaters Gucci
Pleaseabulls Chevelle My Bell  
Pleaseabulls Chevelle My Bell
Ch Beefeaters Muscle Man Of Imok   
Ch Beefeaters Muscle Man Of Imok
Diamonds N The Ruff's Sparkling Saphire  
Diamonds N The Ruff's Sparkling Saphire
GCh Jolibully Rakaro Girl Crush   
GCh Jolibully Rakaro Girl Crush
Ch, GCh Imperious Hamitup Holy Diver   
Ch, GCh Imperious Hamitup Holy Diver
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Tmar's Double-r-nothin   
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Tmar's Double-r-nothin
Imperious Hamitup In Paris  
Ch Bbad Jasmine Of Jolibully   
Ch Bbad Jasmine Of Jolibully
Impressive Bull Hugueanber  
Pretty Zoey  
Visits: 915