Multi Ch Meljane Gambino  Multi Ch Meljane Gambino
Meljane Gambino
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle  Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  Ch, Int Ch Fullmarks The Duke  |
Ringablok Princess  Ringablok Princess  |
Bildaw Lady Em  Bildaw Lady Em  |
Ch Britishpride Valentino  Ch Britishpride Valentino  |
Tuffntrusty Pollyanna At Bildaw  |
Meljane Bulldogs Marie  Meljane Bulldogs Marie
Ch E. Golden Storm Mystyle  Ch E. Golden Storm Mystyle  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle  Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle  |
Ocobo All Smiles  |
Meljane Bulldogs Carmella  Meljane Bulldogs Carmella  |
Ch Mystyle Amos Ocobo  Ch Mystyle Amos Ocobo  |
Esp, Europa CH Meljane Bulldogs Geraldine  Esp, Europa CH Meljane Bulldogs Geraldine  |
Bigpapibull Gigi  Bigpapibull Gigi
Bigpapibull Gigi
Green Delight From The Backcorner  Green Delight From The Backcorner
Jr Ch Lemonvom La Mejor Opcion  Jr Ch Lemonvom La Mejor Opcion  |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Jaminic Armageddon  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Jaminic Armageddon  |
Ch Lemonvom Gracias Gloria  Ch Lemonvom Gracias Gloria  |
Lemonvom El Porompompero  Lemonvom El Porompompero  |
Ch Classic Armani  Ch Classic Armani  |
Lemonvom Modesto Muchacha  Lemonvom Modesto Muchacha  |
Bigpapibull Precious  Bigpapibull Precious
Ch, Int Ch King Arthur Rocha  |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )  |
Dona Flor Rocha  |
Martmorebulls Foxy Lady Gabanna Of Bigpapibull  Martmorebulls Foxy Lady Gabanna Of Bigpapibull  |
Ch, Int Ch Major League Lethal Weapon  Ch, Int Ch Major League Lethal Weapon  |
Ch, Multi Ch Trinity Martimore ( Hernandez ) Lego's  Ch, Multi Ch Trinity Martimore ( Hernandez ) Lego's  |
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