Ch, GCh Kokopelli's D1 Wild Electric Slide  Ch, GCh Kokopelli's D1 Wild Electric Slide
Kokopelli's D1 Wild Electric Slide
D1's Iron Horse  D1's Iron Horse
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse  Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse  |
Ch Empires Cleopatra  Ch Empires Cleopatra  |
D1's Striking Beauty  |
Ch Beauties Amos  Ch Beauties Amos  |
Melrods Dolly Parton  |
D1's Santa Maria
Ch Garzas Flashing Rock  |
Dingmans Flashback  |
Phenix's Sp Agent Starling  |
D1's Striking Beauty  |
Ch Beauties Amos  Ch Beauties Amos  |
Melrods Dolly Parton  |
Ch, GCh Classay Kokopelli's Sacagawea  Ch, GCh Classay Kokopelli's Sacagawea
Classay Kokopelli's Sacagawea
Ch, GCh Just Lonestar Bright Lights Big City  Ch, GCh Just Lonestar Bright Lights Big City
Ch Cherokee Ultimate Plato  Ch Cherokee Ultimate Plato  |
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  |
Ch Cherokee Cybil Of Royal Court  Ch Cherokee Cybil Of Royal Court  |
Ch Cherokee Just Delicious  Ch Cherokee Just Delicious  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  |
Cherokee Heavensent Starlet  Cherokee Heavensent Starlet  |
Ch Major League Classay A Penny For Your Thoughts
Ch, GCh Beams Kabo Texas Retreat  Ch, GCh Beams Kabo Texas Retreat  |
Ch Notorious Waldo Pepper  Ch Notorious Waldo Pepper  |
Ch Notorious Red Mercedes  Ch Notorious Red Mercedes  |
Ch Major League She's A Daisy  Ch Major League She's A Daisy  |
Ch Glendars Dylan  Ch Glendars Dylan  |
Ch Mousers Major League Sweetheart  Ch Mousers Major League Sweetheart  |
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