Ch Kipa Del Alto Del Fierro
Jr Ch Origin Charming Charlie  Jr Ch Origin Charming Charlie
Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Snow Lion  Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Snow Lion  |
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o  Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o  |
Cherokee Legend Moneypenny  Cherokee Legend Moneypenny  |
Simca´s Sweet Emotion  Simca´s Sweet Emotion  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Jamaris Hercules  Ch Cherokee Legend Jamaris Hercules  |
Ch Simca´s Whole Enchilada  Ch Simca´s Whole Enchilada  |
Ch Abbie (abigail Del Fierro)
Chessbull Zafiro  |
Ch, Int Ch King Arthur Rocha  |
Little Ponds Tary  Little Ponds Tary  |
A-tara  |
Ch Ayro's & Rodca Let It Be At Montaña Mistica  Ch Ayro's & Rodca Let It Be At Montaña Mistica  |
Tyara  |
Molly Del Alto Del Fierro
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Zar Bull Jahrock At Montaña Mística  Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Zar Bull Jahrock At Montaña Mística
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Billy The Kid  Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Billy The Kid  |
Ch, GCh Lyerly's Lex Luther At Showtime  Ch, GCh Lyerly's Lex Luther At Showtime  |
Cherokee Legend Lola Too  Cherokee Legend Lola Too  |
Zoe Kingdom Pretty Panda  Zoe Kingdom Pretty Panda  |
Ultimate American Black Bear  Ultimate American Black Bear  |
Merringoux Amazing Dunamis By Zoe  Merringoux Amazing Dunamis By Zoe  |
Jr Ch Origin Charming Charlie  Jr Ch Origin Charming Charlie  |
Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Snow Lion  Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Snow Lion  |
Simca´s Sweet Emotion  Simca´s Sweet Emotion  |
A-tara  |
Ch Ayro's & Rodca Let It Be At Montaña Mistica  Ch Ayro's & Rodca Let It Be At Montaña Mistica  |
Tyara  |
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