Multi Ch Fortland Bulldog Lazzaro  Multi Ch Fortland Bulldog Lazzaro
Fortland Bulldog Lazzaro
Multi Ch Benchmarks Boceifus  Multi Ch Benchmarks Boceifus
Ch Bayview Jolly Roger  Ch Bayview Jolly Roger  |
Ch Beesfeaters Brass Knukles  |
Ch Bayview Big Bertha  Ch Bayview Big Bertha  |
Ch Benchmark Bulldogs Norma Jean  |
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence  Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence  |
Ch, Int Ch Heavensent Bully 4-u Sophia  Ch, Int Ch Heavensent Bully 4-u Sophia  |
Ch Fortland Bulldogs Caterine
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Willy Special Of R.d. ( Castillo )  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Willy Special Of R.d. ( Castillo )  |
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )  Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )  |
Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon )  Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon )  |
Ch Fortland Bulldog Liberty  |
Ch Major League Mvp  |
Fortland Bulldogs Miss Daisy  |
Rockstarbulldogs Charlotte
Newrocker Rockstar Imperator
Ch, GCh Just Lonestar Bright Lights Big City  Ch, GCh Just Lonestar Bright Lights Big City  |
Ch Cherokee Ultimate Plato  Ch Cherokee Ultimate Plato  |
Ch Cherokee Just Delicious  Ch Cherokee Just Delicious  |
Hummer Sweet Black Angel  |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Willy Special Of R.d. ( Castillo )  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Willy Special Of R.d. ( Castillo )  |
Bullies Best Mariobull Tinkerbell  |
Follies Kennel Ingrid Bergan
Multi Ch Griffin Bulldogs Al Pacino  Multi Ch Griffin Bulldogs Al Pacino  |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Willy Special Of R.d. ( Castillo )  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Willy Special Of R.d. ( Castillo )  |
Multi Ch Reynar Ambar ( Hernandez)  Multi Ch Reynar Ambar ( Hernandez)  |
Griffin Bulldogs Jennifer Aniston  Griffin Bulldogs Jennifer Aniston  |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Showtime Fabulous Griffin Bulldogs  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Showtime Fabulous Griffin Bulldogs  |
Pretty Hula Girl  |
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