Ch Showtime Here's Johnny  Ch Showtime Here's Johnny
Showtime Here's Johnny
Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Just Johnny  Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Just Johnny
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o  Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o  |
Ch Zotoluco ( Villanueva )  Ch Zotoluco ( Villanueva )  |
Ch Hetherbull Topline Talk About Me  Ch Hetherbull Topline Talk About Me  |
Cherokee Legend Moneypenny  Cherokee Legend Moneypenny  |
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  |
Cherokee Ultimate Emma  |
Cherokee Legend Lola Too  Cherokee Legend Lola Too
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Rr Hummer ( Castillo )  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, GCh Rr Hummer ( Castillo )  |
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )  Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )  |
Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon )  Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon )  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Thelma  Ch Cherokee Legend Thelma  |
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  |
Cherokee Ultimate Pocahontas  |
Lyerly's Harding Alice  Lyerly's Harding Alice
Lyerly's Harding Alice
Ch Lyerly's Marcus Of Marybelle
Ch, GCh Millcoats Bach  Ch, GCh Millcoats Bach  |
Ch Millcoats Noah Of Bullrun  Ch Millcoats Noah Of Bullrun  |
Millcoats Dawnstar  |
Ch, GCh Marybelle's Norma Jean Of Lyerly's  Ch, GCh Marybelle's Norma Jean Of Lyerly's  |
Ch Lyerly's Spellbinder  Ch Lyerly's Spellbinder  |
Lyerly's Juliett  Lyerly's Juliett  |
Lyerly's Iza Dorabull Of Harding
Ch Lyerly's Captain Morgan  Ch Lyerly's Captain Morgan  |
Ch Toppers Shaken Not Stirred  Ch Toppers Shaken Not Stirred  |
Lyerly's Star Hailey Of Butcher  Lyerly's Star Hailey Of Butcher  |
Ch. Harding's Victoria Secret Of Lyerly  Ch. Harding's Victoria Secret Of Lyerly  |
Ch, Int Ch Major League Lethal Weapon  Ch, Int Ch Major League Lethal Weapon  |
Imperious Wise's Josaphine  Imperious Wise's Josaphine  |
Просмотры: 1733