Ch, GCh Dog Gone's Elementary My Dear Watson
Ch, GCh Dog Gone's Poplarhill Man Behind The Mask
Ch Hetherbull Tmar's Its 5 O'clock Somewhere Ch Hetherbull Tmar's Its 5 O'clock Somewhere |
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Tmar's Double-r-nothin Ch, GCh Hetherbull Tmar's Double-r-nothin |
Ch Hetherbull Carmel Candy Ch Hetherbull Carmel Candy |
Ch Dog Gone's Shock And Awe At Poplarhill Ch Dog Gone's Shock And Awe At Poplarhill |
Ch, GCh River City's Poetic Justice Ch, GCh River City's Poetic Justice |
Dog Gone's High Voltage |
Hot Rod Dog Gone's You Ain?t Seen Nothing Yet
Ch Chefs Keeper Of The Flask Ch Chefs Keeper Of The Flask |
Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal Ch, GCh Silverspoon's Nothing Personal |
Ch Flyboy's Col Ridley Ch Flyboy's Col Ridley |
Ch Hotrod's Daisey May Ch Hotrod's Daisey May |
Ch Chefs Wild Turkey Ch Chefs Wild Turkey |
Ch Jack-pott Absolute |
Ch Dog Gone's Dream A Little Dream Ch Dog Gone's Dream A Little Dream
Dog Gone's Dream A Little Dream
Ch Slaterpryce's Cat Scratch Fever Ch Slaterpryce's Cat Scratch Fever
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework |
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid |
Ace N Glendar Black Eyed Susan |
Slaterpryce's Supple's Right To Remain Silent |
Ch Master Otis Of The Bay |
Supple's Princess Stela |
Ch Dog Gone's She's The One For Oakridge
Ch Dog Gone's Brilliant Disguise |
Ch Guinns Twisted Tale Ch Guinns Twisted Tale |
Dog Gone's High Voltage |
Ch Omega Devil In Disguise |
Omega's Wanna Talk About Me Omega's Wanna Talk About Me |
Ch Omega Roxy Baby |
Visits: 639