Riverbull Igor ( Rivera )  Riverbull Igor ( Rivera )
Riverbull Igor ( Rivera )
Ch, GCh Jwilson's B-loved Polar Express  Ch, GCh Jwilson's B-loved Polar Express
Ch, GCh B-loved Nothing But Net  Ch, GCh B-loved Nothing But Net  |
Ch, GCh Cash's Bringin' Sexy Back  Ch, GCh Cash's Bringin' Sexy Back  |
Ch B-loved Talk Is Cheap  Ch B-loved Talk Is Cheap  |
Sage's Grace  |
Ch, GCh Wilson-dixon's Wd-40  Ch, GCh Wilson-dixon's Wd-40  |
Murf's Presley Peacemaker  |
Ch Riverbull Matilda Vanegas  Ch Riverbull Matilda Vanegas
Ch, Jr Ch D´ Toledo White Socks  Ch, Jr Ch D´ Toledo White Socks  |
Ch, GCh Mousers Wolfgang Puck  Ch, GCh Mousers Wolfgang Puck  |
D´ Toledo " I Am Valentina "  D´ Toledo " I Am Valentina "  |
Anabella Rivera  |
Rollo ( Reza )  Rollo ( Reza )  |
Te Tsugami ( Rivera )  |
Old Town Southern Sky's "nova"  Old Town Southern Sky's "nova"
Old Town Southern Sky's "nova"
Ch, GCh Jwilson's B-loved Polar Express  Ch, GCh Jwilson's B-loved Polar Express
Ch, GCh B-loved Nothing But Net  Ch, GCh B-loved Nothing But Net  |
Ch, GCh Cash's Bringin' Sexy Back  Ch, GCh Cash's Bringin' Sexy Back  |
Ch B-loved Talk Is Cheap  Ch B-loved Talk Is Cheap  |
Sage's Grace  |
Ch, GCh Wilson-dixon's Wd-40  Ch, GCh Wilson-dixon's Wd-40  |
Murf's Presley Peacemaker  |
Connie Neska ( Rivera )  Connie Neska ( Rivera )
Ch, GCh Obsession The Rock ( Mendoza / Toledo )  Ch, GCh Obsession The Rock ( Mendoza / Toledo )  |
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o  Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o  |
Obsession Moon ( Mendoza )  |
Oliva Olivo ( Delgado )  |
Ch Imperious Hamitup Apache Gold  Ch Imperious Hamitup Apache Gold  |
Tirsa ( Pedrero )  |
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