Ch Slaterpryce's Cat Scratch Fever  Ch Slaterpryce's Cat Scratch Fever
Slaterpryce's Cat Scratch Fever
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework  Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid  Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid  |
Ch K's Note-a-bul Arizona  Ch K's Note-a-bul Arizona  |
Ch K's Note-a-bul Cecelia  Ch K's Note-a-bul Cecelia  |
Ace N Glendar Black Eyed Susan  |
Ch Beauties Amos  Ch Beauties Amos  |
Ch Glendars Beauty Pageant  Ch Glendars Beauty Pageant  |
Slaterpryce's Supple's Right To Remain Silent
Ch Master Otis Of The Bay  |
Luggor Jim  |
Szent Benedek Korog  |
Supple's Princess Stela  |
Ch Supple's Prominent Virgil  |
Supple's Nelly Bell  |
Brit's Love Star Light Star Bright  Brit's Love Star Light Star Bright
Brit's Love Star Light Star Bright
Ch, GCh Just Lonestar Bright Lights Big City  Ch, GCh Just Lonestar Bright Lights Big City
Ch Cherokee Ultimate Plato  Ch Cherokee Ultimate Plato  |
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  |
Ch Cherokee Cybil Of Royal Court  Ch Cherokee Cybil Of Royal Court  |
Ch Cherokee Just Delicious  Ch Cherokee Just Delicious  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  |
Cherokee Heavensent Starlet  Cherokee Heavensent Starlet  |
Rockee Top Johnny's Girl Stella
Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Just Johnny  Ch, GCh Cherokee Origin Just Johnny  |
Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o  Ch, GCh Hetherbull Topline O-o  |
Cherokee Legend Moneypenny  Cherokee Legend Moneypenny  |
Cherokee Legend Chip Off The Rock  Cherokee Legend Chip Off The Rock  |
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock  |
Cherokee Legend Safari  Cherokee Legend Safari  |
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