Miss Brandie Auburncrest

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Name: Miss Brandie Auburncrest
Residence country:   USA
Dog prefix: F. O. Brandhorst
Owner prefix: F. O. Brandhorst
Gender: Female
Date of birth: 8 October 1923
Owner email:
Inbreeding Coefficient (IC): 0.0
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Ch Auburncrest Challengers Double   
Ch Auburncrest Challengers Double
Auburncrest Challengers Double
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Irish Challenger (uk-can)
Ch Challenger (uk-usa)    Excalibur (uk-usa)  
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Ch Montem Susie
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Toronto Lad (uk-can)
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Mayos Babby I I (usa)   Gentleman Tom  
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Mayos Special   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Visits: 140